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How to generate more than 3,000 visits to your blog during your first month. Real case

The biggest head warming that a first-time blogger usually has when he starts working on his blog is getting visits. What do I do to make my blog start receiving web traffic? In this post we have Jesús Luque, a reader of my blog who comes to explain how he has got 3,000 visits in his blog in the first month.
All yours Jesus 😉
The only thing that overcomes luck is hard work, said Harry Golden.
... and there is no more truth than that. All success starts from a plan, and based on work and more work.
If you think you can make a living with a blog without doing anything, you are very wrong, and I think Andrew has already made it clear to you.
Today, thanks to him, I will explain the method I have used, plus some tips to get visits from the first day with your blog.
If you still do not have one, you should know that Andrés can set it up completely for free here .
Well, we go back to the previous planning.
If you build a building, where do you start? Because of the plans, right?
Well, in the blogging world it is exactly the same.
generar trafico web blog

Create your own plan

What do you really like?
First requirement.
You must know that you are going to dedicate many hours in your project and if you really do not like it, I assure you that you will not get the necessary motivation to continue in the most difficult moments.
It's useless: " I'm going to create a blog to make money, regardless of the subject"
That is the biggest mistake you can make, since the only thing you are going to get is to burn yourself and waste your time in a very stupid way.
In my case, what I like the most is traveling and undertaking.
I do not have any trouble writing about it, I enjoy doing it.
Once you are clear about how you are going to focus your idea, we turn to the following:
Who would be your ideal reader?
Could I make money with it? Is it a profitable niche ?
If your idea has no demand, I think you'd better start over.
If you have no idea, here you can read some recommendations to help you get started.

Create a party for your launch

Spread it from the first day: by the WhatsApp groups, through your social networks . Let everyone know that you have created a new project.
The first impression is the most important of all, never forget it.
Imagine you have a bar ... you cook one of the best meals in your city.
Suddenly, people start to enter, but they come out again. I do not know, it has an environment that your customers do not like.
You do everything right, your food is amazing, but you can not even ask for a single dish, because only by going back.
A little stupid, right?
Prepare a well structured blog, with a minimum of 3 high quality entries.
Show from the beginning that you are serious.
* Tip: I know people who make up a pre-release, leaving your lead magnet and a subscription box to start growing your list before even launching the blog.
I did not do it, but I know first hand that it works great.

Content strategy

Publishes a high value editorial line.
They have to be really practical items and they solve a specific problem. What kind of post could it be?
The old-fashioned way
Take a paper and a pen.
Think and write all the problems that your ideal reader would have.
In my case it was: Being afraid to travel alone.
What did I do?
I published an article telling my experience during the six months that I lived in Brazil:
Are you afraid to travel alone? 9 reasons why you should do it once and for all.
Result: It was shared more than 200 times on Facebook and I got 702 visits the first day and 864 the second.
how to get visits to your blog

Make it viral

You know there are items that work better than others. The reason?
Exactly, you do not know, but ... what is the result?
That is viralized and shared a lot in social networks, which leads to an additional flow of visits to your blog.
Does not look anything wrong, right?
In this post you can see a list of tricks to better viralize your content .
In my case, I followed a very simple and practical tactic. I analyzed my competition and returned to add more salt to the wound.
What steps did I follow exactly?
  • Create a list of the 10 best blogs on your subject . If you stay in 7, or do not know any more blog, you can always search Google: best / top blogs of ...
  • Enter BuzzSumo , place the link of the web you want to analyze, for example,

In the free version will show you the 5 post with the largest number of shares in social networks.
generate web traffic
  • Create an Excel sheet and see the names of each article in the row of each corresponding blog.
  • Take this step with each of the 10 on the list.
  • It is done! You have 50 post ideas that will work at 99% security!

In the case of Andrés, we see that the article the 20 best cooking blogs has worked really well. Does not it give you an idea of ​​what your next post may be?
With this I'm not telling you to copy exactly the posts of other bloggers.
If you think there is one that you can complement with your experience, or do it from a different perspective, adding additional value, do it.
The key will be in being yourself. In knowing how you can differentiate yourself from your competition.
What happened in my case?
The most widely shared article was about the different options of being able to travel with very little budget.
What did I do?
Create a mega article that contains the magic word for free or without money.
How to travel without money: 17 ways to do it
Result: Last peak of visits, 291 the first day and 299 the second.
Create a Round up post or a list thanking the blogs that have made you take the step.
In the first case, a round up post consists in solving a problem of your reader, based on answers from several recognized bloggers.
It is an incredible way to do networking and at the same time, create an irresistible post that gives you many visits.
In the second case, what better way to thank the training you've received than mentioned to the blogs that have helped you get it.
In the article that I wrote I mentioned 7 blogs that had given me a lot of value, and I wanted to give it back to them in some way.
Which it was the result?
Without asking me, these highly recognized bloggers shared my content, which reached many more people, in addition to starting to be recognized in my niche.
Give and then receive. That would be the golden rule for any blogger.

Make a Seo strategy in the medium / long term.

Not receiving visits from Google during the first four months does not mean you do not take it into account.
Seo will be your best long-term ally, so it is best to start from the beginning trying to position some long tails or words with low competition.

Spend more time in disseminating than creating

It's hard, but it's like that, at first only your mother, family and friends read to you.
It is useless to create the best post in the world if you only have 20 visits afterwards.
Spend most of your time spreading the content.
  • Search for groups on your topic in social networksI usually use Facebook and Google Plus.
  • Make networking and share your content, there will be people who will thank you and who will share 😉(Note: do not dedicate yourself to spamming, nobody likes).
  • Try to always present a week before , and then post the posts with delicacy.
  • Never post in the same group, the objective is to add value to the readers, not to be branded as a spammer.
  • Ask all your friends to share with you. If they are trusted people, it will not cost them anything, and for you it is a huge leap at the beginning.
Make it worth it.

Create a community

Well, you have the visits: Now what?
Interact with them, help them, bring value.
  • Try to do networking through social networks (nothing better than private groups of bloggers with more visits than yours)
  • Always look for a conversation between you and the reader. For this you must define well who would be your ideal reader, and speak directly to that person.
  • Try to maximize the number of comments in your posts, so you will add value included to your articles.
  • Try to make each visit stay on your blog.

How can you keep your visits?

You will corroborate with me, that it is useless to have 10,000 visits if none of them comes back to hear from you, right?
For that reason , you can not make the mistake of not creating a mailing list from the beginning .
If we never stop hearing that your biggest asset is email marketing, why will it be, right?
To grow your list from the first day, something known as lead magnet is used . Consist of giving a product as an incentive to subscribe to your blog.
It is also usually accompanied by a page specifically for this, so that the conversion rates are really high.
Andrés offers you a mini problogging course . So that you start from the beginning on the right foot and save a lot of time not committing the same mistakes that other bloggers have already made.
In my case I give you a small ebook with the ideas that completely revolutionized the way I see the world, and how I have started taking action in my day to day life.
Now is your turn.
And you? Have you already achieved an average of 100 visits per day? What is the biggest problem that keeps you from achieving it?
*Harga sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah tanpa pemberitahuan lebih dulu
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