One of the biggest benefits that the mailing platforms offer us is the autoresponders, or said in Spanish, the automated emails. In this guest post we have Jordi Ordóñez from to talk about how to automate emails to sell your infoproduct.
All yours Jordi 
Of all the things that can be sold online (which are increasingly more) there is one that is especially interesting for certain types of professionals: the infoproductos .
If you are thinking about putting them on sale or want to optimize the results of the ones you already have ... you are interested in knowing any technique that can help you. I'm going to talk to you about email marketing, specifically about how to automate emails to sell an infoproduct with less effort.
Clarifying concepts: what is an infoproduct?
It is important to be clear before starting what we mean by the term: "infoproducto" . It is about turning the knowledge of a professional or company over a certain area into a support that provides enough value to our target audience to become a product for which they would be willing to pay.
When we talk about media we could refer from physical books to digital books or minute reports, videos, courses ...

Obviously the automation of emails will have a greater impact if we talk about digital infoproducts . After all, the direct conversion is a little closer, among other things, because it does not intermediate logistics between purchase and delivery.
How to automate emails to sell infoproducts
Email marketing is an old name for all of us who are dedicated to online marketing. But the truth is that, if it has been part of our strategies for so many years, it is for a very simple reason: it works .
Newsletters, promotions, transactional emails ... what were the emailings 10 or 15 years ago what they are now has changed a lot. Thanks in part to the fact that the strategy is advancing and, to a large extent, to the emergence of platforms that offer increasingly sophisticated solutions.
For example: in my case I use Acumbamail precisely because of its level of automation and how easy it is to implement the autoresponders that are basic for this type of action.
What are autoresponders?
Well the name is quite descriptive actually. These are emails that are launched automatically in response to a user action .
This type of mail can be automated so that all that user who is part of a list receives an email before a certain event.

What would be the strategy?
Automation, by itself, will be very effective but we can enhance its effect if we extend this strategy with a series of complementary actions.
Nobody is going to consider you an expert simply because you say it or proclaim it to the four winds. Users need proof of the depth of your knowledge , your tone and the way in which you transmit that knowledge.
On the Internet, however much progress, has not invented anything better to demonstrate the expertise , the generation of content to support it . Take the trouble to create an updated blog, with relevant content and providing value on the topics in which you want to do business.
Do not be afraid to give away your know how , you just have to try to open a door to the need or the curiosity for a deeper knowledge.
In fact there is a maxim of those that offers us from time to time popular wisdom: "he who gives good sells." I can not agree more with this if it is applied effectively, for example, by generating free introductory coursesto a specific issue ... there will be time to propose an upgrade.
If you do it right, little by little you will create a critical mass of recurring visitors and subscribers with whom you can take the next step.
Automation in itself
Let's suppose that we want to carry out a campaign with the subscribers of our blog to offer them our latest ebook.
We could create a campaign based on the users who, having received our most recent newsletter, have clicked on a link in which they talk about email marketing. This is a good indicator because it shows a certain interest and, in some way , involves a segmentation .
Well, to those users we can send you within a week an offer to download the ebook that covers those topics in a deeper way .
Another example of how email marketing automation can help us sell more using those free resources I was talking about earlier. If you carry out a campaign with your free courses and propose them to those users who open them, after a few days, a second part of payment in which they deepen in the subject. If those users are satisfied with what they received for free they will be inclined to buy an advanced product.
The catchment
Obviously the capture does not imply so much to the automation. In general, other types of campaigns like PPC in search engines or Social Ads are usually used , but do not forget that email marketing is very effective in this aspect too.
Using the same technique Simple we're talking about: if your newsletter you offer this type of product you can track users that clicking on the link bought and what not. Creating two different lists you can play with an upgrade for those who have already bought and re-emphasize a discount or a promotion to those who do not.
Have you seen that amount of possibilities can offer automated emails to sell an information product ?
Note that these are just a few examples and, with a little imagination can do much more with less.