Choosing the best WordPress hosting is key when it comes to having a website or a blog that works without problems. For this reason, I have decided to publish this post to help you find the best WordPress hosting . We start!
Before you start, if you're still not clear about what a hosting is or what it's for, I'll explain everything in this post: What is a hosting?
How to choose the best WordPress hosting?
This is the question we all ask ourselves when we want to start a serious project on the Internet. Choose a good WordPress hosting is important and we can not launch to hire the first hosting offer that we find along the way.
In this post I'm not going to talk about the bad decision to choose free hostings, because if you are looking for the best WordPress hosting, it is clear that the benefits that a free hosting offers you leave much to be desired.
But ... can we find a good cheap WordPress hosting?

The error of choosing a cheap hosting
Of course, if you surf the Internet a bit doing some search, you will find WordPress hosting offers at scandal prices. You may have found more than one Google ad of the type:
- Cheap Hostings from € 0.99
- Tu hosting por 2.75 €
- Oferta hosting: 0,75 € / mes.
I really have no problem with being able to find good offers. We all like to buy good, nice and cheap.
The problem with these cheap hostings is that they offer you very limited resources that will undoubtedly give you more than one problem, such as:
- My website does not work (the server has been dropped)
- My web loads very slow
- Contact the technical service but they do not solve anything
- My website has received an attack and the technical service does not know how to solve it
If you want to avoid these problems, you should focus your search on choosing a good hosting before choosing a cheap WordPress hosting that you will regret later (cheap is expensive).
Having this clear, let's see below the keys to keep in mind to know how to choose the best WordPress hosting.
Keys to keep in mind to choose the best WordPress hosting
1. Type of web hosting
When you decide to hire a WordPress hosting, you must choose the type of web hosting that best suits your needs depending on the size of your website, the visits you will receive, etc.
There are different types of web hosting, but these are the main ones:
Hosting gratuito
we have already ruled it out previously because it offers very limited features such as a very slow load, low memory, possible problems with the connection, etc.
Shared hosting
This is the ideal type of hosting for more than 90% of the websites. In it, several websites are hosted on the same server, although each with its own part of the server.
With a shared hosting you will not have problems receiving about 4,000 / 5,000 visits per day. If you exceed these amounts, you can begin to consider the possibility of leveling up a VPS hosting.
This is the best option you can choose if you are starting a project on the Internet, and especially if you are looking for a WordPress hosting with the best quality / price ratio.
Hosting VPS
The English acronym VPS stands for Virtual Private Server.
Hiring a VPS hosting you will have an exclusive virtual server totally for you.
This is the recommended option when your online project has been consolidated and a shared hosting is limited to the numbers of your website.
Managing a hosting of this type is somewhat more complicated and are also somewhat more expensive than shared (about € 20/30 per month).
Hosting dedicado
With this type of hosting you will be hiring an exclusive physical server.
Like the VPS hostings, management is somewhat more complicated and its price is higher.
2. Seguridad del hosting
The security of your website is very important because there are many priesados out there looking to get where they are not called. I tell you from experience.
For this reason, it is important to have a server that has protection against viruses, anti-malware and anti-hacking.
It is also important that your hosting provider make automatic backups every X time.

3. Hosting with support for php and database
Any website today, be it a blog with WordPress, an online store, a forum, or the website of any business, needs a hosting server that has a database to store information with php support (open source language) ).
4. Disk space
Disk space is an important factor when creating a new project, so that when hiring you do not fall short and end up running out of capacity. This is something that tend to fail hosting with super reduced offers of which we spoke previously.
5. Number of domains
This point should only worry you if what you have in mind is to create several online projects. If you intend to create a single web page you should not worry because all the hostings allow you at least one domain.
6. SSL certificate
The SSL certificate makes your website go from http to https, with which the content of your website between the server and the users will be encrypted.
Most hosting providers offer you the installation of the SSL certificate for free although sometimes it is an additional cost.
7. Good technical service
This I consider to be one of the most important factors to consider. It is essential to have a quality technical service for when there is a technical problem or you can have any questions, solve it as soon as possible and without major complications.
A good technical service must also be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and you must have the option to contact them in several ways: Chat, email, telephone ...
I think it's worth paying a little more to hire a quality WordPress hosting that offers quality treatment. It is important that no problems arise, but also that when one arises, it is resolved as soon as possible.
8. Easy administration
Finally, I think that an important point when choosing a WordPress hosting is that it has a management panel that is easy to manage and that facilitates, for example, the installation of WordPress, something that a newbie does not always know how to do.
The most known and facilitated control panel by many hosting providers is cPanel .
cPanel allows you to manage your entire hosting quickly and easily, without needing technical or advanced knowledge.

So, what is the best WordPress hosting?
Keeping in mind the keys if you want to choose the best WordPress hosting, the question arises: What is the best WordPress hosting?
Well it depends since after several tests, there are several providers that offer very competent hostings with very similar characteristics.
If you are starting with a new project, whatever provider you use, I recommend hiring a shared hosting to start.
Which one do I recommend?
Based on my experience, I recommend the two that I use and with which I have not had any problems.
El mejor hosting WordPress
If you are looking for a good WordPress hosting with the best quality / price ratio , I recommend Hostgator .

Hostgator is the largest provider of North American hostings with more than 9 million customers worldwide (it will be something).
With Hostgator you can contract the WordPress hosting of your website for less than € 4 / month and if you need a hosting with unlimited domains for less than € 11 / month.
The only drawback may be that your website is only in English, but here is a guide with 2 videos explaining the steps to follow:
You can contract your hosting with Hostgator with a 60% discount using the coupon VIP60OFF
Hire your hosting with Hostgator clicking here
The best Spanish WordPress hosting
Personally, I consider Raiola Networks the best WordPress hosting in Spain.

They offer quality hostings and the best technical service.
With Raiola Networks you can hire a shared hosting for less than € 6 / month with a 20% discount for the readers of my blog.
Contract your hosting with Raiola Networks by clicking here
You already know how to choose the best WordPress hosting for your website . If you have any questions when hiring your hosting you can contact me through the form on my contact page and I will respond as soon as possible.