More and more people are choosing to create a niche page to generate extra income every month. If you are interested in creating your own niche page, below I explain how to generate content for a niche page.
We all love the idea of making money online , but we do not necessarily want to live on this 100%. There are people who like their work and are interested in the idea of having a profitable project on the Internet, but only as something complementary.
Maybe you are one of those people but you have some doubts, like for example, what is a niche page?
What is a niche page?
A niche page is a website focused on a specific niche that you can monetize once you start receiving web traffic.
I could put thousands of examples of niche pages, these are only the first that came to mind:
- Espresso coffee machines
- Pet accessories
- WhatsApp application
- Chocolate recipes
- eBooks for children
- MP3 baratos

The more specific the theme or product chosen, the less demand you will have, but the easier it will be to position your niche page in Google. In this case we would be talking about microniches.
How do I create a niche page?
Creating a web page on the Internet is very simple and will only take you about 15 minutes to buy a domain, hire the hosting where the page will be hosted and choose the WordPress template that you like the most.
All these steps I explain to you in detail here .
Once you have chosen the niche to which you will focus your page, you need to know about what you are going to write. This is something that many people get stuck on. It is not very entertaining or easy to know what to write on a niche page of capsule coffee machines.
What topics related to the coffee machines I choose for the page?
What searches do people make on the Internet about coffee machines?
Do not worry because there are several methods and tools to know, and we will see them below.
How to generate content for a niche page
First, tell you that there are online tools that help you choose the keywords related to your main keyword, such as Keyword Shitter or Answer the Public .

When doing a search in them how for example "Accessories for the kitchen" , they show you a list of related long tail keywords that you can use like H2 and H3 in your posts. For example:
- Basic accessories for the kitchen
- Original accessories for the kitchen
- Accessories to hang in the kitchen
This will facilitate the clear structure of the content of your posts.
But in this post I do not want to talk only about these keyword tools, but about how Google facilitates the searches that users usually do on a given topic.
Thanks to the prominent snippets or Rich Snippets from Google, you will know exactly what users are looking for on the topic of your niche page.
You can learn more about what the prominent Google snippets are and how they work here .
So far I had only found these fragments at the top of the searches, highlighting a specific post where you can find the requested information. But lately I have found a new format of these fragments where when doing a search, Google then shows you other searches that users perform, related to what you have searched.
You have an example in the following image.

In addition to clicking on one of the questions, it suggests new questions, how you can see below.

This way it will be easy for you to know what to write on your niche page since Google is directly telling you what users are looking for on that topic.
This done, you can use any keyword tool such as Google Adwords Tool or KwFinder to see the search volume of each word and choose the most searched.
The prominent Google fragments are not a great secret that will make you rich, but you can see how you can take advantage of them to enrich the content of your niche pages.