We have already left behind the year 2017 and like every year, I like to do last year's evaluation and list the goals that I would like to achieve in 2018. Let's go there!
The year 2017 I think it has been a bittersweet year for me, since on the one hand the visits to my blog have shot up, but on the other the income has stagnated , and I'll explain why.

Before starting, I encourage you that if you also have a blog, also publish a post as an evaluation of the previous year and with your goals for this new year and share it with us in a comment.
Result of the objectives I had for 2017
These are the results that I have obtained this past year with the objectives that I set out to achieve:
- Launch my first infoproducto ( NOT GOT , this is still the pending account that I have with my blog, and not getting it is all my fault).
- Reach the figure of 8,000 subscribers ( GOT , I have exceeded the figure of 9,000 subscribers, although it is also true that a few months ago I decided to clean up to remove subscribers who seem to no longer care what I publish).
- Get to the 2,000 daily visits of average ( GOT , now my blog receives about 2,300 visits per day).
- Increase my income to € 1,000 / month ( NOT GOT , and this is due to the laziness mentioned above when creating my first infoproducto).
- Start generating income with other niche pages ( NOT GOT , I have been working on different niche pages during the year that I have finally left, then I will explain why).
Online blogging course ... on the go!
I have been wanting to launch my first infoproduct for more than 2 years as a blogging school for those who want to create a blog and need training from scratch since they do not know where to start or what blog idea to select.
I have noticed that many of the readers who come to my blog are in that situation: they would like to have a blog, but they are not clear if the idea they have will be profitable, nor do they have the knowledge about what they should do to make their blog succeed
For that reason, although I have been very lazy and I have been postponing this project, I have finally gotten to work and the project looks good.
The course will include a practical example of a niche page that I will create and work on during the course so that students can see the steps to follow in a practical way.
Once the course is finished, the student will have his blog created and ready to work on it ... and all this at an affordable price for everyone.
Finally I can say that this year will be the year of the launch of my first infoproduct.
Visits soar ... revenue does not
If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know that a few months ago visits to my blog skyrocketed, and these were increasing month by month throughout the year. I have gone from receiving an average of 800/900 visits per day, to about 2,000 / 2,300 daily visits currently .
I am very happy because this is the result of more than 3 years of work ... the only "but" is that despite the increase in visits, income remains stagnant.
If it is true that I am generating money month after month thanks to affiliate programs, sponsored posts and some other web service, but it is not an income that can allow me to live on my blog.

I am clear that all the blame for this is mine since as I mentioned before, I have been wanting to launch my own online course for more than 2 years and I have been postponing this project for too long.
Will my blog's revenue skyrocket once I launch the course?
I do not know. Maybe it's a success or maybe a failure ... time will tell. What I do know is that this year I must launch the course, yes or yes.
New blog design
This 2017 I changed the design of my blog again with the Authority Pro Theme template of StudioPress, with the Genesis Framework . You can see the templates that this Framework has here .
I could not have it clearer: free templates for whoever wants them.
Investing € 100 if needed, in a premium template is the best you can do with a blog. In addition, as always, the change of template is with a template of the Genesis Framework (the base code of the template is always the same with the parent template) the positioning of my blog is never affected.
Diversify income.
Of course, my main objective right now is to launch my first infoproduct, but I've also had in mind for a long time to diversify my income to not depend on a single blog.
During this past 2017 I created several niche pages but for one thing or another I have been abandoning them (most of the time for being thematic that I'm not passionate about).
Currently I have started working on two niche pages on a subject that I am passionate about and that I hope that by the end of the year they are generating a reasonable income (I'll tell you about it).
Objectives for 2018.
- Launch my first infoproduct.
- Reach 3,500 average daily visits.
- Increase my income up to € 1,000 / month.
- Start generating revenue with my two niche pages.