Nowadays, there are many who decide to change their way of earning income by creating an online lifestyle business, something that translated into Spanish would be a business that fits your desired lifestyle . Sounds true right? In this post we are going to talk about how to set up a language school taking advantage of the Internet to generate income.
Is teaching business?
Yes of course.
The training has been, is and will most likely be one of the most profitable businesses that can be undertaken. In addition, the positive point is that you are the greatest asset of the business model.

Are you good at teaching?
Do you know how to do something that others want to learn?
Then this can be your dream business model. Thanks to him, you can bill clients from all over the world, making your business pay for the lifestyle you want.
However there are many ways to offer language consulting, so to help you I want to make a small parenthesis to explain the most interesting ways.
Ways to teach languages
Of course, the first division when considering such a business must be the language in which you want to teach the classes, but for this post we will assume that you have a typical or not so typical language, but that it has a market.
That's why I will focus on giving you the available channels.
Skype classes for individuals
This is a very good way, in fact it is perhaps the most users have since their barriers to entry are almost zero. You can teach English or Spanish simply knowing the language well.
Personally I know a very clear case, which is that of that in addition to offering personalized services, also has a very complete blog in which they give you useful tips, such as this post about the most used verbs in English .
The only thing you will need are clients, which you can usually find through several ways:
- Ads and language learning groups on Facebook
- Creating your own personal blog where you offer your services
- Platforms specialized in online trainers
Following these steps you will be able to find your first clients, at least those who will pay you the first monthly payments and with whom you will be able to gain momentum to give your project a boost.

Online classes to groups and companies
As in the English academies that can be seen in any city, group classes are also a good option on the Internet. You can fill a class by making the student receive a cheaper price while your students will not have to invest so much money on a monthly basis.
In this case, the best option is to create a complete platform in the form of a webinar or similar, so that you can guarantee maximum attention and quality in your language academy service.
The negative point of this model is that you will need more students to be able to live off your business but the positive is that a priori it should also be easier to get them for the most economical price.
language Academy
And why not take the big jump?
If the above ideas are an excellent self-employment, the idea of creating a complete academy with different teachers is already a complete and generally more profitable business.
This model consists in contacting freelance language teachers with whom you can agree on a price per hour, with this you can set up a small directory of languages that you offer.
Customers will be arriving and reviewing, in addition on your own platform you can create a functionality with which you can reserve hours directly. Is not it great? It is undoubtedly a model that is little exploited in our country and that can be exported to other places to grow like foam.
Personally, the negative point of this model is that you will need to make a superior investment of time. Obviously you will also have to invest more money to create an initiative like this, but the most noticeable is surely the time difference between the other models and this one.
And the promotion? How to sell places in your language school
This is always the most complex, mainly because the internet is full of ideas but not all of them are interesting enough to dedicate a front page article to a newspaper.
That is why you have to keep in mind the promotion of your new business, for this you can do several things:
- Use paid search (PPC) to get prospects
- Focus on an SEO strategy to get organic visits
- Create a complementary Youtube channel to the academy
- Offer a freemium quality model with which to attract subscribers
- Buy visibility to other blogs that may be related
After all, the important thing of the promotion is to get where your client is, at the beginning it will be difficult but over time you should go catching the trick to the management of your advertising.
Give imagination to both the business model and the promotion and potential customers will appear, however it is important to remind you also that businesses always need a time of maturation.
So remember to be patient so you can give her time to grow before giving up. Entrepreneurship is a long-distance race and not a sprint, so learn to manage your motivation, effort and time in favor of medium-term results.
What did you think of this business model?
Have you already tried it or do you think you're going to try it?
I hope it helped you. I wait for you in the comments to know your opinion.