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Is Web Positioning achieved in Google by sending Web Traffic?

Is it possible to get web positioning in Google by sending web traffic to your website? This is a question that many of us have asked each other. Then I explain what I have been able to check on this topic and how you can improve your web positioning in Google with web traffic .
I do not consider myself an SEO or an expert in positioning, but to make my way in this world, I have had to learn some things more than others, so I have a good SEO base, which I have learned from great SEOs like Dean Romero , Alex Navarro or Álvaro Sáez (Chuiso).
A question that raises doubts is whether Google takes into account the web traffic that a website receives to position the web.
SEO positioning with web traffic
Does it benefit to receive web traffic in your page so that it is positioned in Google?

How Google works

One of the main objectives of Google is to improve the experience of its users.
Constantly makes improvements in its algorithm so that it reflects the results that most interest readers.
How do you do this?
Analyzing the behavior of users when they reach a web page.
Google takes into account factors such as the percentage of bounce, the time the user spends on the web, the number of pages he reads , etc., to ensure that the content of a website is of quality and is the one that users should find in the first positions when they perform a certain search.
On the other hand, the fact that a page receives many visits may be because its content has been viralized for some reason. When people share something in the networks and this ends up becoming viral, it's because in theory they like that content and want to share it with their contacts.
That said, it is proven that when a page receives web traffic, Google takes into account this factor and improves its positioning in the search engine.

My own experience on Google positioning with web traffic

I myself have been able to verify the benefit in positioning by sending web traffic with two experiments.

Position a Youtube video on Google

In the first experiment, my idea was to position a Youtube video on Google with a keyword like "Locksmith in Madrid".
What I did (among other things) is to send an email to my list of subscribers asking them the favor of doing this search on Google by clicking on the link of the video and leaving a comment on it.
After several days, I could see how the positioning of the video on Google improved a lot, opening the way to the top positions of Google.

Position a post on Google in a contest

In the second experiment, I participated in the Dean Romero contest to position a post on Google with the keyword Adsensei " , Dean's Adsense plugin.
Although I did not win the contest, I managed to appear on the first page of Google with that keyword, among other things, by sending web traffic to the post.


Another external experiment

I recommend you read this post from Chuiso , where you perform an SEO experiment to check if web traffic positions.
The results obtained were not only positive, but the website itself remained stable in the positions it got when it stopped sending it web traffic.

That said, it is clear that IF you can get web positioning in Google by sending web traffic, although it all depends on the competition you have with the chosen keyword, and the amount of web traffic sent.
It will take much more web traffic to position yourself with the keyword buy hosting " than with the keyword "painter in Alicante" .
Let's see below 3 methods to send web traffic to a page so that it can be positioned in Google.

web traffic to position search engines

3 methods to achieve web positioning in Google with web traffic

1. Web traffic with email marketing.

To get web traffic with this method you need a list with several thousand subscribers, something that takes at least 1 or 2 years to get it.
Making a simple mass mailing allows you in a matter of minutes, thousands of people to visit your page, and if what they find in it is of quality, Google will notice the behavior of users and the positioning of that page will improve.
This is one of the advantages of having a list of subscribers and why you should start using email marketing from day 1 of your blog.

2. Web traffic with Facebook Ads.

If your content is good and you make a good campaign in Facebook Ads with a good segmentation, you can get several benefits:
  • Engagement (I like you, shares, comments ...).
  • Let your content go viral.
  • Sales
  • Positioning in Google.
To achieve these results, the formula used must be the correct mixture: Quality content + adequate segmentation.

3. Web traffic with guest posting.

The best link building you can do today is not only get links from authority websites, but links from authoritative websites that have thousands of daily visits, and where people can be interested in your website and can get to visit it, ie , from websites related to the theme of your website.
In this way Google sees that an authority website has linked you, and at the same time you also see that your website receives web traffic from it, so your content must be good and deserve to be positioned in Google.
One of the best methods to get this type of links is with guest posting or guest posts.
Creating quality content in a guest post in a reference blog will get readers to be interested in your blog and visit you. In this way, you will be working on the positioning of your website, making Google consider two factors: That an authority website links you and that your page receives web traffic.


It is clear that using these 3 techniques to generate web traffic, you will improve your positioning in Google .
If you still do not have a list of subscribers, you can start with Facebook Ads, and if you do not have the capital to start a campaign on Facebook, you can always use the guest posting.
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