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Google does not like Lies

Reading a few days ago the newspaper I found a story that caught my attention and makes it clear that Google does not like the lies.
You can see the news of El Mundo here .
According to this news, during 2016, Google eliminated more than 1,700 million ads that it considered unsuitable for its Google Adwords platform.
false news to viralize
People who advertise on online advertising platforms, increasingly sharpen the ingenuity to get the attention of users to get them to click on your ad, even using methods that Google does not like anything.
It is mentioned in the news that the technique of using current headlines is increasingly used for people to click on them.

False news to get viral.

Thinking about this, we know that one of the methods most used by viral news websites to get web traffic is to use flashy titles to get clicks, especially on Facebook, the social network from which they get most of their visits.
But in this world is not all, and lately some of these websites have been devoted to publishing false news to get the attention of readers and get visitors.
  • UFOs
  • Famous dead
  • Woman with 4 legs
  • Government conspiracies
  • …anything goes
If for example I have a Facebook page with 30,000 followers and suddenly I publish the news that Lady Gaga has been killed by a train, surely the news will be viral in a matter of minutes and spread throughout the Internet.
Something that we have seen recently has been the constant publication of false news on social networksabout Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, just before the US elections.
Neither Google nor Facebook do anything funny to publish false news, as this harms the experience of its users, and have launched the fight against websites and Facebook pages that are dedicated to generating false news.
Some blame this to the function of AutocompletarGoogle, as it shows you as you write, the searches made by users, whether false or not, because the Google algorithm can not detect if a news is false or not .
What do I want to tell you with all this?
If you have a web page about viral news, something very common nowadays to generate web traffic with Facebook and to earn money with Adsense , do things well and do not go to extremes to increase your income.
Post false news can increase your web traffic for a while, but in the long run the only thing that will do is that users get tired of your website and at the same time you put Google and Facebook against and penalize your website or close your page in Facebook.
Viral content does not have to be synonymous with junk content. You can publish quality viral content, without having to invent stories.
For this reason, if you want your viral news website to last over time, do things right from the beginning and do not invent stories.

Ads about earning € 6,342 a day working 2 hours.

Precisely I published a few days ago a post about some ads that I do not stop to see on the Internet that guarantee you the gold and the moro: Earn thousands of euros a day working 2 hours .
*Harga sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah tanpa pemberitahuan lebih dulu
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