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Does not Passive Income Exist? Answer to Dimitri Uralov

Are there passive income? Today many people continue asking this question and I have found on YouTube with a couple of videos of a certain Dimitri Uralov , which ensures that passive income does not exist . Is this true? Does not passive income exist? I want to share with you the videos of Dimitri Uralov and give you an answer to his opinions.
Before I start and take a look at the videos of Dimitri Uralov, I want to briefly explain that they are passive income and how they are generated .
recurrent liabilities

What are passive income?

Passive income is that which is generated without the need to work actively on it.
Contrary to what happens in an active income where you constantly need to work on something to generate them, with the residual or passive income you do an initial job or you make an initial investment and then generate income during a certain period of time, without having to constantly you have to be working on them.
An active income is for example your salary as an employee, where you need to work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week to generate the € 1,000 you earn per month. If you do not work, your boss dismisses you and you do not earn your salary.
I do not work = I do not pay.
A passive income is for example to invest in the purchase of a commercial bass that you rent to someone and this generates you € 500 / month without the need for you to invest in it again and without having to work to generate that income.
I do not work = monthly income of € 500.
I think the difference between passive income and active income is very clear and I want to emphasize that of course there are different degrees of "passivity"in passive income. Depending on the system that you use to generate them, you will have to invest with money or work more or less so that these income will last over time .
You can see several examples of passive income in my post 17 examples of passive income .

Who is Dimitri Uralov?

I really do not know Dimitri Uralov at all.
Dimitri presents himself as an entrepreneur, investor and financial coach .
It turns out that browsing YouTube, I have come across a video of him where he explains that passive income does not exist.
This video has been interesting for different points that I mentioned that I want to raise next and I thought it would be a good idea to publish this post sharing with you the videos of Dimitri and posing among all a kind of debate, to see also what is your opinion.
I must say that I have nothing against Dimitri Uralov, the other way around, although I do not know him, as I see it, I consider him a very intelligent guy and I see that what he intended with these videos is to generate controversy, since the controversy generates diffusion , and it really is something that has been achieved , especially with the first video, which today has more than 40,000 views.
Dimitri ... understand that to defend the name of my blog, I must defend what I believe and spread through my blog 😉
Well without going around, let's see what Dimitri has to say about passive income. You can take a look at the videos and then I will outline the points that stand out in them and whether or not I agree with them.

Passive income does not exist.

Minute 2.05 ... passive income does not exist.

I'm sorry to say, dear Dimitri, I do not agree with you.
I understand your point of view when you mention the so-called "gurus" of the Internet and make sure that what they propose is not true, and I tell you that I am not pro- guru , but the reality is that these same "gurus"have managed to generate passive income.
Robert Kiyosaki that you mention, has managed to generate this passive income by selling the idea itself with his book. It may seem the best method or maybe not, but the reality is that with an initial work that Kiyosaki did in his book, has been generating thousands of dollars for years with the sale of his book, and surely continue to do so, for many detractors who have
Like Robert Kiyosaki, there are also many other authors of eBooks on the Internet, who with the sale of their books, generate passive income every month. They have done an initial job, and now they enjoy the results of that effort and work.
You do not need to be a "guru" to achieve this. In thisBlogger 3.0 post by Dean Romero , you can find the real case of José Noguera , a "normal" person (with normal I mean it's not Robert Kiyosaki) who generates passive income selling eBooks on Amazon.
That they tell the programmer of a WordPress plugin, of a mobile application or of those who make templates if passive income does not exist.
Tell a singer who continues to collect royalties for his song 20 years after passive income is a fallacy.
That they tell a writer or the author of a course that the income is not passive.
I think it's been clear ...

Minute 6.03 ... passive income is not created just like that.

"... they are created because there is a value that is created ...".
AGREE ????
I totally agree with what you mention here Dimitri.
Maybe you are talking about passive income in another sector different from mine, but the concept is the same. To generate passive income, an initial value must be generated. The more you invest in that initial value, the more results you can get afterwards.

Minute 7.01 ... it is much better that these revenues are semi-passive.

AGREE ????
Here Dimitri is giving me the reason that this type of income does exist. Of course they may not be 100% passive, and you need to work something on them, but hey ... Who would not like to live on a blog where you have to work 6 or 7 hours a week?

Minute 8.14 ... Is this your passion?

Here we agree again, since you are considering passive income as if the only way to get it is by investing in stocks or buying real estate, something that I do not consider to be anyone's passion. But there are other methods to generate passive income (or semi passive as you say) that allow you to enjoy your passion , such as having a niche page or a blog about a subject that you are passionate about.
It is compatible to generate passive income with enjoying what you like.

Minute 9.29 If you invest little time or money the performance is little.

I understand that in the world where you move from finance and investments this is so, but in the world of online projects, you can perfectly have a web page focused on a very specific microniche where the investment of money is minimal (some € 60 a year) and the investment of time is not to die for and still get a good return.

3 dangers of passive income


Minute 0.53 ... putting Dimitri green.

AGREE ????
... and congratulations Dimitri, because I'm sure that's what you intended with these videos. You're a machine😉

Minute 1.54 ... adversity to work

There are many people who want to generate passive income simply because they are lazy and do not want to work, but there are also people who do not want to work, but want to do something that gives them satisfaction, that they are not "enslaved" with an 8-hour workday. or 9 hours, and where they can decide what to do in each moment.
It is not that everyone who does not want to work is that he is not happy with his life.
I've got a job as a web manager carrying the marketing of a group of companies thanks to my blog, and I really like my work, but I like the idea of ​​being able to devote 100% to my own projects, where I can create, innovate, advance, get my income scalable, and the rest of the benefits.
In a normal job, no matter how hard you try to do what you do, you will always earn the same salary. It's not very motivating , is it?

Minute 4.45 wanting to generate passive income makes you lazy.

I am working daily to get my projects to generate passive income, and I have not become lazy at all, I know I must invest in an initial phase with hard work and effort to get them.
I think that whoever believes that he can get passive income without doing anything is totally wrong.
On the other hand, work is not something negative and I do not see it that way, but the truth is that there is no need to devote the third part of your life to sitting in an office to simply generate a salary that only allows you to survive for get to the end of the month.

Minute 6.09 ... passive income lasts forever.

AGREE ????
Here you mention the world of multi-levels and I must say that I do not agree with this system at all. I understand that to get a living from them requires working for a long time and it is quite complicated to get a network below you that generates this passive income, and as you well say, this does not guarantee that the income will last over time .
That there are people who have achieved it?
Possibly yes, but they are very few compared to those who try this system, and even so, I do not think the party lasts them forever.

Minute 6.40 ... passive income you have to take care of them.

AGREE ????
Totally correct Passive income has to take care of them, which may not make them 100% passive, but it does not matter. I prefer to have semi-passive income that I have to take care of for several hours a week, to have to work 40 hours a week to take care of a salary that I can not take care of because any day my boss gets up in bad shape and throws me into the street.

Minute 10.45 ... the time you invest in mounting this, compared to the results it gives you, which tend to be few.

Dimitri can not be generalized in this sense by stating that the results obtained are few compared to the time needed to invest.
I give you an example:
I worked for 6 months an average of 6 hours per week to position a niche page in Google. This work led me to generate € 18,000 in a year with this page.
I think the time spent on this page was worth it, and the results were not few.
In the case of José Noguera that I mentioned above, he is generating from € 500 to € 1,000 a month for having invested X time in writing 6 or 7 eBooks. I think the results are not few ...

Minute 11.09 ... example € 37 with website.

I think it's not very fair that you put this ridiculous example. Why do not you talk about the € 40,000 a month Franck Scipion makes with his blog?
I think it's enough to live on it.
Of course you will say that Franck's income is not 100% passive, which is his main activity, and I agree, but neither will we say that they are 100% active, because neither are they.
Also think about the blog Live to the fullest of Angel Alegre , a case less "beast" , but also worth traveling around the world generating passive income.
The performances of these two bloggers are not small.

Minute 13.10 ... It's okay to create systems

AGREE ????
Here Dimitri comes to the conclusion that it is fine to create systems and work on them to generate income, so you are telling me that you really believe in passive income .
That they are not 100% passive?
Okay, there is no life where you just have to get up from the couch to go to piss, unless you are the son of an Arab sheikh or who has played the soldazo de la eleven, but let's be honest Dimitri ...
Having a system on the Internet where you have to work a few hours a week that allows you to live on it, is possible and is passive income.
Are not 100% 100% passive?
Ok, but they are not active where you have to throw yourself the third part of your enslaved life fulfilling the dream of your boss, because you have not decided to work yours.
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